Aug 9, 2020
The Revealing: Part 2
Series: Matthew
The Revealing: Part II
Matthew 25:1-46
- Be prepared and watchful for the return of Christ
- Use your time, talents, and treasure wisely until He returns
- Reward awaits those who assist disciples in need
- Aug 9, 2020The Revealing: Part 2
Aug 9, 2020The Revealing: Part 2Series: MatthewThe Revealing: Part II Matthew 25:1-46
- Be prepared and watchful for the return of Christ
- Use your time, talents, and treasure wisely until He returns
- Reward awaits those who assist disciples in need
- Aug 2, 2020The Revealing: Part I
Aug 2, 2020The Revealing: Part ISeries: MatthewMessage: The Revealing: Part I Text: Matthew 24:1-51
- First Point v. 1-35
- Second Point v.36-44
- Third Point v.45-51
- May 3, 2020The Cup I Drink
May 3, 2020The Cup I DrinkBy: Andy PerezSeries: MatthewTitle: The Cup I DrinkMatthew 20:20-281. Self-promotion harms earthly relationships2. Promotion belongs to God1 Chronicles 29:123. Promotion requires process1 Peter 5:6Matthew 23:12Luke 18:14
- Apr 26, 2020That Ain’t Fair
Apr 26, 2020That Ain’t FairSeries: Matthew
Message: That Ain’t Fair Matthew 19:27 - 20:16
- Eternal life is based on grace not merit
Ephesians 2:8-9
- God is fair…even more, he is generous.
- Focus on Jesus and avoid the comparison trap
- Mar 8, 2020All In
Mar 8, 2020All InSeries: Matthew
Message: All In Matthew 19:13-26
- No one is capable of saving themselves
Romans 3:23
- To be perfect, Jesus calls us to undivided loyalty
Luke 5:27-28
- Only God is able to save completely
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 1:16-17
- Feb 23, 2020What God Has Joined Together
Feb 23, 2020What God Has Joined TogetherSeries: Matthew
Message: What God has Joined Together Matthew 19:1-12
- Trust God’s plan for marriage v.1-6
- Sin is at the heart of divorce v.7-8
- Divorce is the last resort, not the first v.9-12
- Feb 16, 2020Unforgiven
Feb 16, 2020UnforgivenSeries: Matthew
Message: Unforgiven Matthew 18:16-35
- Deal with offense in a biblical way v.15-20
- Forgiveness has no limit v.21-22
Genesis 4:24
- Forgive as Christ forgave you v.23-35
Matthew 6:14-15
- Feb 9, 2020That None Should Perish
Feb 9, 2020That None Should PerishSeries: Matthew
Message: That None Should Perish Matthew 18:5-14
- Be a stepping stone...not a stumbling block v. 5-6
- Take sin seriously…it will destroy you and your witness v.7-9
- Our goal…that none should perish v.10-14
- Feb 2, 2020Achieving Greatness
Feb 2, 2020Achieving GreatnessBy: Andy PerezSeries: MatthewTitle: Achieving GreatnessMatthew 18:1-6
Greatness is found in whose you are, not in what you do. v.1-3
Greatness is found in humility, not in status. v.4-5
Greatness is found in how you receive, not in what you achieve. v.6
- Nov 17, 2019The Cure
Nov 17, 2019The CureSeries: Matthew
Message: The Cure Matthew 17:14-21
- People are looking for real answers v.14-16
- We must demonstrate faith in a faithless culturev.17-18
- Even small faith can move mountains v.19-21