Mar 10, 2024
The Pursuit of Holiness
Series: Topical
The Pursuit of Holiness 1 Peter 1:1 - 2:2
1. God uses the trials of life to sanctify us
2. All believers are called to be holy
3. Sanctification is a cooperative effort
- Mar 10, 2024The Pursuit of Holiness
Mar 10, 2024The Pursuit of HolinessSeries: TopicalThe Pursuit of Holiness 1 Peter 1:1 - 2:2 1. God uses the trials of life to sanctify us 2. All believers are called to be holy 3. Sanctification is a cooperative effort
- Mar 3, 2024The Awe of God
Mar 3, 2024The Awe of GodSeries: TopicalThe Awe of God Proverbs 2:1-8 The Fear of the Lord... 1. Creates delight as our creator 2. Creates gratitude as our redeemer 3. Creates trust as our provider 4. Creates purity as our holy God
- Feb 25, 2024It All Makes Cents
Feb 25, 2024It All Makes CentsSeries: TopicalIt All Makes Cents Proverbs 3:5-10 1. Debt puts you in a place of weakness 2. There is no substitute for hard work 3. Generosity returns back to you 4. Give God your best
- Feb 18, 2024Looking Forward
Feb 18, 2024Looking ForwardSeries: TopicalLooking Forward Acts 2:42-47 Areas of focus for 2024 include... 1. Discipleship 2. Fellowship 3. Prayer 4. Generosity 5. Evangelism
- Feb 11, 2024Missionary Jeff Nelson
- Feb 4, 2024Passing on the Baton of Faith
Feb 4, 2024Passing on the Baton of FaithSeries: TopicalPassing on the Baton of Faith Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 1. We must know what we believe v.4 2. We must be “All In” v. 5-6 3. We must be intentional v.7-9
- Jan 28, 2024Hearing the Voice of God
Jan 28, 2024Hearing the Voice of GodSeries: TopicalHearing the Voice of God 1 Samuel 3:1-21 1. Be in the presence of God v.1-4 2. Anticipate His voice v. 5-10 3. Follow His voice v.3:19-21
- Jan 21, 2024Silent Prayers
Jan 21, 2024Silent PrayersSeries: TopicalSilent Prayers 1 Samuel 1:1-20 1. Suffering opens the door for spiritual growth v.10-11 2. God understands our silent prayers v.12-16 3. God has infinite power to answer our silent prayers v.17-20
- Jan 14, 2024God Almighty
Jan 14, 2024God AlmightySeries: TopicalGod Almighty Genesis 17:1-8 1. El Shaddai is limitless in His mighty power 2. El Shaddai is our source of our blessings 3. El Shaddai is worthy of our worship
- Jan 7, 2024Awaken Us
Jan 7, 2024Awaken UsSeries: TopicalAwaken Us Habakkuk 3:2 1. God’s faithfulness sustains us 2. God’s faithfulness inspires bold prayers 3. God’s faithfulness causes us to live confidently 4. God’s faithfulness causes us to live joyfully 5. God’s faithfulness causes us to live with strength