May 28, 2017
Series: Topical
2 Timothy 4:6-8
- Lived his life as an offering to God
- Was willing to die for what he believed in
- Stayed focused on the prize
- May 28, 2017Sacrifice
May 28, 2017SacrificeSeries: TopicalSacrifice 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Paul…
- Lived his life as an offering to God
- Was willing to die for what he believed in
- Stayed focused on the prize
- May 14, 2017Our Prayer
May 14, 2017Our PrayerSeries: TopicalOur Prayer Matthew 6:5-13
- God makes his own name holy, and I am expected to live a holy life.
- God brings in the kingdom, and I am to work toward the goal of it coming.
- God fulfills his will, and I am to discover that will and obey it in daily life.
- He gives the gift of daily bread, and I must work to earn it.
- He forgives, and I must forgive.
- He guides me away from evil, and I must live a life of righteousness.
- May 7, 2017Holy Ground
May 7, 2017Holy GroundSeries: TopicalHoly Ground Exodus 3:1-22 Holy Ground is a place where…
- You encounter the presence of God
- You surrender your life to God’s will
- You are empowered for service and ministry
- Apr 30, 2017Retreat
Apr 30, 2017RetreatSeries: TopicalRetreat1 Kings 19:1-181. Retreat before you need to retreat2. You need to retreat to retreat3. Retreats restore body, soul, and mind4. In retreat, patiently wait for God to reveal himself
- Apr 16, 2017Soul on Fire
Apr 16, 2017Soul on FireSeries: Lent / EasterMessage: Soul on Fire Luke 24:13-35
- True faith must engage our heart – affections
- Affections spring us into action
- Passionate action spreads like a wildfire
- Apr 9, 2017Palm Branches, Cloaks, & a Colt
Apr 9, 2017Palm Branches, Cloaks, & a ColtSeries: Lent / EasterMessage: Palm Branches, Coats, and a Colt Mark 11:1-11 Palm Sunday declares that Jesus…
- Is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
- Has come to save us from sin, death, and Satan
- Is the Messiah who is coming again for his people
- Apr 2, 2017Home
Apr 2, 2017HomeSeries: Lent / EasterMessage: Home Luke 15:1-32 NIV
- God loves sinners and he is calling them home with open arms
- A Sinner finding their way back to God is worth celebrating
- We must have the attitude of the Father, not of the older brother
Matthew 19:27-30 - Mar 26, 2017Anointed to Serve
Mar 26, 2017Anointed to ServeSeries: Lent / EasterAnointed to Serve Luke 4:14-21
- Jesus is the Anointed One, we are the anointed ones
- We are anointed to share the Good News
- We are anointed to administer God’s grace in various forms
- Praying for healing
- Praying for deliverance
- Praying for restoration - Mar 19, 2017All In
Mar 19, 2017All InSeries: Lent / EasterMessage: All In Luke 4:1-13 NIV So what does All In look like?
- Provision: A true disciple understands that God is the true source of life v.1-4
- Plans: A true disciple has completely surrendered their life and plans to God. v.5-8
Luke 14:25-33- Promise: True disciples have complete trust in the promises of God v. 9-13
- Mar 12, 2017EXAMEN
Mar 12, 2017EXAMENSeries: Lent / EasterExamen Matthew 3:13-17 - 4:1-2 Three things we learn from the example of Jesus… 1. These times must be led by the Holy Spirit 2.These times need to be free of distraction3.These times are for a set period of timeThe Daily EXAMEN -