May 17, 2020
Release the Gift of God within You
Series: Topical
Message: Release the Gift of God within You
Text: 2 Timothy 1:3-7
- Stoke your spiritual passion for God
- Blaze ahead in God’s supernatural power
- Discover the depths of God’s love
- Discovery the beauty of Self-discipline
- May 17, 2020Release the Gift of God within You
May 17, 2020Release the Gift of God within YouSeries: Topical
Message: Release the Gift of God within You
Text: 2 Timothy 1:3-7
- Stoke your spiritual passion for God
- Blaze ahead in God’s supernatural power
- Discover the depths of God’s love
- Discovery the beauty of Self-discipline
- May 10, 2020Mother’s Are…
May 10, 2020Mother’s Are…Series: Topical
Message: Moms are… Proverbs 31:10-31
Moms are…
- Loyal companions v.10-12
- Resourceful v.12-14
- Hardworking v.15-19
- Generous v.20
- Sage v.21-27
- Resilient v.25
- Beautiful v.30
- God-fearing v. 30
- Apr 26, 2020That Ain’t Fair
Apr 26, 2020That Ain’t FairSeries: Matthew
Message: That Ain’t Fair Matthew 19:27 - 20:16
- Eternal life is based on grace not merit
Ephesians 2:8-9
- God is fair…even more, he is generous.
- Focus on Jesus and avoid the comparison trap
- Apr 19, 2020Why Suffering?
Apr 19, 2020Why Suffering?Series: TopicalWhy Suffering
Genesis 3:1-24
- God created human beings with a free will
- Suffering is a result of the fall of humanity
- Suffering gives us a longing for what is still yet to come
- Apr 12, 2020Now I See
Apr 12, 2020Now I SeeSeries: TopicalMessage: Now I See Matthew 28:1-10 1. How did you come to know Jesus? 2. How has the decision to follow Christ impacted your life? 3. How has your faith helped in this crisis?
- Apr 5, 2020Messiah
Apr 5, 2020MessiahSeries: Topical
Message: Messiah Luke 19:28-44
The events of Palm Sunday reveals...
- The sovereignty of God v.28-36
- That Jesus is the Messiah v.37-40
Psalm 118:26
Luke 2:14
- The compassionate heart of God for ALL people v. 41-44
John 3:16
- Mar 29, 2020A Song in the Night
Mar 29, 2020A Song in the NightSeries: TopicalMessage: A Song in the Night Psalm 77:1-20
- First Point v.1-11
- Second Point v.12
- Third Point v.13-20
- Mar 22, 2020Shield
Mar 22, 2020ShieldSeries: TopicalMessage: Shield Psalm 5:1-12
- Bring your urgent requests to God v.1-3
- Come before God with confidence and humility v.4-10
- Rejoice in God’s favor and protection v.11-12
- Mar 8, 2020All In
Mar 8, 2020All InSeries: Matthew
Message: All In Matthew 19:13-26
- No one is capable of saving themselves
Romans 3:23
- To be perfect, Jesus calls us to undivided loyalty
Luke 5:27-28
- Only God is able to save completely
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 1:16-17
- Mar 1, 2020Making Disciples in Central Eurasia